Kad počnete da unosite tekst u polje za pretragu, prikazaće vam se predlozi. Za pregled koristite strelice nagore i nadole. Za odabir pritisnite Enter. Ako ste izabrali izraz od više reči, on će biti termin za pretragu. Ako je predlog link, u pregledaču će se otvoriti ta stranica.

Kako gosti mogu da podnesu zahtev za rezervaciju novog datuma ili vremena doživljaja?

Guests can request to book your experience any date or time not listed on your calendar. They can send a request by contacting you from your experience page.

Once a guest sends you a request, you can review the reservation details and decide if you want to accept or deny their request. If you accept the reservation request, the guest will be prompted to complete the booking through a message in their inbox.

Confirming a reservation

To confirm a request:

  1. Click Review request to review the reservation details
  2. Choose Schedule to accept the request, or Decline
  3. Click View instance to review the accepted request details

How confirmed reservations work 

Once you accept a guest’s new instance request, it’ll be scheduled on your calendar. It will be available for others to book, unless the request was for a private booking. If a guest sends you a request and you accept it, they'll still have to confirm and pay to complete their booking. If you decline a request, it won’t be scheduled on your calendar, and you can respond to the guest with a different time that works better for your schedule.

Da li vam je ovaj članak pomogao?

Srodni članci

Zatražite pomoć oko rezervacija, naloga i drugih stvari.
Prijavite se ili se registrujte